When In Doubt … Air It Out …

EPISODE: When In Doubt … Air It Out …
DATE: Thursday, February 25, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: Chef Shamy (Use code RONIN for a FREE tub of Steakhouse Butter)

Spencer is sick. It’s Chandler’s fault. Hey Josh? Why did you make Spencer drive while he’s so sick!??? JOSH YOU DID WHAT!?!? Tiger Woods has been in a horrible accident. Actual status is still unknown … watch for a tsunami of incoming memes! Daft Punk has broken up. ALL six Ronin are devastated! It looks like Netflix has decided to kickoff 2021 with a trashy murder series after all (sigh) … once again, it has close ties to Utah …

Chunga is hearing all kinds rumors from a bunch of sources and they’re all saying that Disneyland is going to open REALLY SOON or … kind of soon!!!! Either way, he may have some awesome news! LISTEN NOW!!!!!

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