The Ronin Family Christmas Party!!!

EPISODE: The Ronin Family Christmas Party!!!
DATE: Monday, December 14, 2020

Chunga, Chandler, Josh and Spencer are really excited!!! For the first time ever, all five Ronin are together in the same room!!! There’s an awful lot to celebrate!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GREGG PASCHALL!!!! AAAANNNDD!!! SOPHIE IS IN STUDIO!!!! Plus, Josh has presents to give, Bren has cookies to give, Chunga has hugs to give and all is right with the world …

Gregg talks about music for a bit, and The Ronin talk about how the Disney investor meeting literally crashed the internet!!! No really … people were so excited about the breaking Star Wars news, it crashed the internet!!! Perfect timing to have Sophie here! Get ready for lots of Christmas and Star Wars talk on this special Christmas party episode of Radio Ronin! LISTEN NOW!!!

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