Stoner Food!!!

EPISODE: Stoner Food!!!
DATE: Monday, July 27, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete SolutionsChef Shamy & JJ’s Premium Ice Cream

How was your 24th of July holiday? Did you stay in town? Chunga is stoked! Now that the 24th is over … BRING ON HALLOWEEN!!! Spencer!!! DRINK YOUR SHASTA!!!

CHUNGA POLL: What’s your favorite “stoner” food?! Post your answers below!!!

Universal Studios and Disneyland cancel all Halloween events. To make things worse, the guys are hearing it’s because Disneyland won’t be open by then anyway! Hey baseball is back!! Have you checked out any games yet? They’re using pre-recorded crowd noises in an empty stadium! Seattle has a new NHL hockey team! Have you seen their name and uniforms?! WOW!!! So cool! Plus, the guys have Headline D&D!!!!! LISTEN NOW!!!

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