She Bit Me … And I Didn’t Like It …

EPISODE: She Bit Me … And I Didn’t Like It …
DATE: Monday, May 18, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions & The Training Ground

The Butterscotch Panda, Gregg Paschall has been invited to be the first “in-studio” guest to officially break the quarantine! He’s here to talk about his “Top 25 Favorite Songs of All-Time” playlist! GO LISTEN and get ready because now … IT’S YOUR TURN!!! We are inviting YOU to submit your “Top 25 Favorite Songs” of All-Time!!! Listen to the show for instructions! We can’t wait to listen!

CHUNGA POLL: Gregg wants to know … “do you have a favorite song that you listen to when you’re “in the mood?

Also Spencer needs your help! He is asking Ronin listeners to help name his new cats! He just got them, they’re both female, and he needs your help! And Chandler has a list of the “Top 10 Best and Worst Cities To Recover from the Coronavirus!” LISTEN NOW!!!!


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