Old Mill Drama …

EPISODE: Old Mill Drama …
DATE: Monday, October 26, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: Chef Shamy (Use code RONIN for a FREE tub of Garlic Butter)

Happy Monday! It’s time for RADIO RONIN!!!! Get ready for NEW Christmas merchandise this week in the Ronin Store!!! We have BREAKING NEWS about our upcoming ghost hunt at The Haunted Old Mill!! As is always the case with this cursed building, there’s drama!

CHUNGA POLL: When are you putting up your Christmas decorations? Post your answers below!!!!!

Chunga has a run down of the most popular costumes every year since 1983!!! Could the new James Bond movie be headed to Netflix?! AND … the guys play another round of Headline D&D!!!! LISTEN NOW!!!

Do you have your Radio Ronin gear yet? Grab your swag in the Radio Ronin Store and then share a picture of you reppin’ it on social media using hashtag #ChungaMadeMeDoIt!

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