Listen To Josher’s Halloween Playlist!

Halloween is a month long celebration around here. Well, let’s be honest — it’s more like a couple month celebration. As soon as all the basic girls are putting pumpkin spice in their frappuccinos we’re decking the halls with spider webs, Halloween trees and jamming out to our Halloween playlist.

There’s this misconception that there isn’t good Halloween music. People tend to think that it’s just a soundtrack of spooky sounds, werewolf howls and the Monster Mash. But, they couldn’t be any farther from the truth — there is a lot of great Halloween themed music out there.

Being the music aficionado that I am — I love a good playlist. And, my playlists change based on my mood, the season and shift in the wind. That’s why I have been a subscriber to Spotify for the past five years. I don’t know how I would get through a work day, run or my commute without it? I. NEED. MUSIC.

Of the many playlists I have on Spotify, I have a number of holiday themed lists — one for the 4th of July, Pioneer Day, Single Awareness Day, Easter; and then like 3-4 Halloween playlists and too many Christmas playlists to count. We’re not even talking about my decade, running and Disney playlists — that’s a post for another day. Trust me.

But, since it’s October and Chunga, Kenny, Chandler and I are already in the Spirit of Halloween. I decided to make a playlist specifically of my favorite songs that capture the season for me. I originally posted this on my podcast’s blog, but I really wanted to share it with the Radio Ronin family.

I have a number of my favorite songs like — Marilyn Manson’s This Is Halloween, Blue Oyster Cult’s (Don’t Fear) The Reaper and of course the Haunted Mansion’s 999 Happy Haunts. There are a number of classic songs from the 70s and 80s, some popular songs and a couple from artists I am sure you haven’t heard of before.

I don’t want to give it all away here, just click on the playlist below and discover it yourself!

Josher is the Executive Producer of Radio Ronin and you can also listen to his podcast every other Friday here on, at or via your favorite podcast app. Connect with Josher on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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