Kosher and Halal Were Not At The Capitol … Too Soon?

EPISODE: Kosher and Halal Were Not At The Capitol … Too Soon?
DATE: Thursday, January 7, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: Chef Shamy (Use code RONIN for a FREE tub of Garlic Butter)

(CHUNGA’S NOTE: This show was recorded on Tuesday night, before the events in our nations capitol had taken place. We will discuss these events in the new, upcoming “Chunga Unchained” bonus episode)

WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ HOT STUFF?!! So … is Tanya Roberts dead or … is she still alive!? The world is waiting to know! Chunga has an OCD issue. He HATES that little red badge that shows you how many unopened emails you have! Chandler doesn’t have have that issue. Not even close! How many unopened emails do YOU have!??

Josh wants to talk about sports … he REALLY wants to talk about sports!!! Spencer on the other hand doesn’t want to AT ALL! Wait … Spencer doesn’t want to talk about sports!?? Wait … what happened!? LISTEN NOW!!!!!!!!

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