Josh Ate a Whole Fanta Float … CAN YOU?!

EPISODE: Josh Ate a Whole Fanta Float … CAN YOU?!
DATE: Monday, April 19, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: JJ’s Premium Ice Cream

HUZZAH FOR MONDAY!!! IT’S RADIO RONIN TIME!!! Hey … the NEW Radio Ronin ice cream flavors are available TODAY from our buddies at JJ’s Premium Ice Cream!! Chunga and Chandler are getting tons of questions about moving to Vegas. Apparently, there are a lot of you that want to do the same thing! They have some answers! Spencer hasn’t done anything in Vegas, he’s only passed through and REALLY wants to do some cool stuff like Circus Circus! Josh loves Vegas! LOVES IT … except Coke World. He had a “problem” while enjoying a Red Fanta float!

Chunga has been think about something “for like five days in a row” and he has a question for you! CHUNGA POLL: Are you a member of any clubs or groups? What are they?! Chunga wants to join one like D23 for example and needs your advice! LISTEN NOW!!!

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