Is There A “Pet Offender” Registry???

EPISODE: Is There A “Pet Offender” Registry???
DATE: Thursday, August 12, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: Chef Shamy Gourmet Butter

What’s going on in Chunga’s life!? Well, he’ll give you an update for heck sakes!!! Chandler just got back from SLC and the smoke was crazy!! Spencer made a mistake. A big one. So big that he actually had to go to Chunga for help! Gregg has found the most authentic Greek food in Utah!! He’ll tell you where to go! JOSH!!! STOP BUYING PETS!!! GEEZ DUDE!!!

Also, there’s a rumor going around that there’s going to be a new Star Wars origin series about Emperor Palpatine!! Guess who’s going play him!? Listen NOW to find out!!!

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