Having a Boy or a Girl? Nobody Cares Man …

EPISODE: Having a Boy or a Girl? Nobody Cares Man …
DATE: Monday, September 14, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete, Chef Shamy and Quench It!

SURPRISE!!! The new Chunga Burger merchandise is available NOW at the Radio Ronin store! Ok, who’s idea was it?!? Who created these gender reveal parties?!?! Can we all agree they need to stop already?!!! Chunga is convinced that all but two of the “Real Housewives of SLC” are actually dudes.

CHUNGA POLL: What is your guilty pleasure TV show?!? Post your answers below!!

Did you see the first NFL game? It had a controversial moment. AND it’s time for Headline D&D!!!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!!!!

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