DATE: Monday, July 6, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions & Chef Shamy

How was your 4th of July holiday?!? Were you able to enjoy any of your usual traditions? Spencer bought himself a beautiful new truck! Josh immediately tried to “one-up” him buy bragging about a car he took for a test drive (Josh has been “test driving” cars for the past 7-months)

CHUNGA POLL: Do you name your things, like cars for example? What names have you used?

Chunga’s big boy job just ordered him to take a mandatory week long vacation! He’s never had that happen before! Apparently he and his team members haven’t been using any vacation time! Why? Ummm. Cause you can’t do anything!! Oh by the way, Patreon members have a T-shirt meet up happening next Saturday at 2:00! And it’s another round of Headline D&D! LISTEN NOW!!!!!

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