EPISODE 299: The Kim Jong Un Deathwatch!!!

EPISODE 299: The Kim Jon Un Deathwatch!!!
DATE: Monday, April 27, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions

The “Kim Jong Un Deathwatch” has begun! The Ronin are starting an official pool! Have you ever known someone that’s a “One Upper?” Josh is the official team “One Upper” and he proves it several times in this episode. Spencer wants to talk about the NFL Draft … actually, maybe Josh’s stuff is more interesting after all! Did you see that Josh, Chunga and Chandler all got a write up in GQ Magazine?!?! What?!?!

CHUNGA POLL: What’s the best concert you’ve ever been to?!?

It’s time for another Ronin Playlist!!! This week it’s Josh’s turn to show you his “Top 25 Favorite Songs of all-time!” Speaking of music, Ronin Producer Denver Robbins has a legit question: Why do so many Utahns love “Africa” from TOTO? Chunga has the answer!

Ugh… Spencer REALLY wants to talk about the NFL Draft!!! Ok, fine Spencer!!! Let’s talk about the draft!!! LISTEN NOW!!!

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