EPISODE 290: It’s Fine … Everything’s Fine …

EPISODE 290: It’s Fine … Everything’s Fine …
DATE: Friday, March 27, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions

You guys hanging in there!? We’re pleased to announce that Bash Music has returned!! We’re going to do everything we can to keep you sane during this “thing” we’re all dealing with! Man this is a weird time we’re all living in right? It’s a sad reality, with everyone stuck at home, domestic violence is on the rise. Lawyer Ryan Petersen calls in to chat about this briefly.

Josh has worked “very hard” to come up with a list of ideas to keep you from being bored while you’re stuck inside!! Are you a member of any sort of product-based social media groups? Like Pelaton for example? Are these groups helping you?

Chunga thinks his “TV is tricking him” and it’s driving him CRAZY!!!! You think things are bad now, just wait till the internet crashes … no really, it’s totally overwhelmed and things have to change OR ELSE!!!! What has to change? Listen now to find out!!!

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