EPISODE 282: BINGO!!!!!!

EPISODE 282: BINGO!!!!!!
DATE: Monday, February 24, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions & Audible

Josh is headed to Disneyland with his family! Let’s play “Hansenland Vacation BINGO!!!” We’re giving away COOL Baby Yoda goodies! Listen to this episode for details!!! And enter on Josher’s and our social media accounts!

Spencer was accidentally sent to a women’s conference this week, did he learn anything? Apparently Ronin listeners are cursed! You’re all getting in car accidents! Could it be because Mercury is in retrograde?!?! Eian shows up to film Radio Ronin for Craig Wirth!!! Remember Craig on Channel 4!?? He’s awesome!

CHUNGA POLL: What is your favorite passive-aggressive phrase? Post your answers below!!!!

Lucasfilm has announced another Star Wars project and the guys talk about the new Harrison Ford “old man and his dog” movie!!! SO STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND — LISTEN NOW!!!

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