Chunga Just Ruined Halloween …

EPISODE: Chunga Just Ruined Halloween …
DATE: Thursday, September 17, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete and Quench It!

GET READY TO RONIN!!!!! Have you seen the new Mandalorian trailer?!?! HOLY CRAP!!!! Radio Ronin has NEW Halloween ice cream!!!!! … except Chunga. California Governor Gavin Newsom is nuts … he’s completely insane! There’s a rumor going around that the City of Anaheim, along with Disney, a hotel owners collaborative, and many other businesses/organizations are preparing a massive lawsuit to force the governor to allow them to open.

So … what’s the deal with Facebook? Chunga thinks they’re censoring his completely non-political posts. He also thinks they’re doing it to strong arm people into spending money in order to promote their individual pages. LISTEN NOW!!!!

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