Butterscotch Panda and The Sea Shanty …

EPISODE: Butterscotch Panda and The Sea Shanty …
DATE: Monday, January 18, 2021

Today is special because the Butterscotch Panda Gregg Paschall is here to celebrate his 300th episode of Gregg’s Guide to New Music!! The timing is perfect, because Chunga and Spencer are kind of confused about a popular new type of music called “Sea Shanty.” Chunga’s not sure if he likes it … Disneyland has killed its’ Annual Passport Programs!! WHAT!?!? NO!!!!!!! Chandler and Chunga say not to worry! It’s actually a good thing!

CHUNGA POLL: What do you want a ton of? Post your answers below!

Also, there’s an awful lot of talk about Marvel’s WandaVision! Have your seen it? People are really confused!! Oh and Josh trades his pet birds to a dude for some sheet metal orcas! LISTEN NOW!!!!!

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