BIG Announcement Time!!!

EPISODE: BIG Announcement Time!!!
DATE: Monday, April 5, 2021

Today is the BIG day!!!! Because of these announcements, the show is going to be a little bit different!!! Chunga, Chandler, Josh and Spencer have TWO very special announcements they want to share with all of you!!! They’re all very excited!!!!

Also, Josh makes his triumphant return to the show after his battle with COVID-19! Welcome Back Dude! Hey did you watch General Conference? Josh and Spencer HATE social media on Conference weekend. No … they REALLY hate it!!! It drives them nuts and this weekend, Josh decided to TAKE HIS REVENGE OUT ON EVERYONE!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!! What did he do? Check his social media and listen to the show to find out!!!!

Here’s one of the two announcements we make in this episode, listen to the episode for more details!!!

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