EPISODE 274: It’s Sundance 2020!!! …. (sigh)

EPISODE 274: It’s Sundance 2020!!! …. (sigh)
DATE: Thursday, January 23, 2020

It’s Radio Ronin time!!!! WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ HOT STUFF?!?!

Josh is celebrating a VERY special one year anniversary … OH! Did he mention he got hit by a car? HE WON’T SHUT UP ABOUT IT! Spencer is spooked!! He says Chunga’s Unseen Movie Reviews are “scary accurate” after it’s revealed Dolittle is a complete flop!

Radio Ronin is getting a new cast member! YAY!! Have you given up on your New Year’s resolution yet? Chandler hasn’t! None of the other Ronin have either! The coronavirus is on the loose!!!!! Run for your lives!!!

Have you read the leaked Rise of Skywalker script from the original director? Was it better than the final version? PLUS, Chunga has a new Unseen Movie Review!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!!

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