EPISODE 269: The Dark Days of January!

EPISODE 269: The Dark Days of January!
DATE: Monday, January 6, 2020

Well … the dark days of January are upon us. Chunga and Chandler have taken down all of their decorations. What about you? Do you still have your Christmas stuff up? Josh learned a TOUGH lesson this week, his mom is a terrible “wingman”!!!

CHUNGA POLL: How do you battle your seasonal depression? Post your answers below!

Disney + has already started making people mad by removing several movies in their library! Did you cancel Disney+ when The Mandalorian ended? Speaking of, now that The Mandalorian is over, the Ronin need NEW shows to watch!! Man January is going to suck! Maybe the guys need to take up new hobbies, any suggestions? Your voice has been heard!

YOU DON’T WANT SPORTS ON RADIO RONIN!!! So … Spencer has a new sports segment called The Ocho!!! This week, he talks about a sport people play with a skull!!! PLUS, Chunga is genuinely afraid that Twitter is going to bring about the end of society as we know it!!!


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