EPISODE #249: George, Bob and Wrinkles …

EPISODE 249: George, Bob and Wrinkles …
DATE: Thursday, September 26, 2019
EPISODE SPONSOR: Dr. Boyden Dental

IT’S RADIO RONIN TIME!!! Chandler is back from Seattle and all is right with the world! Chunga shamed Kenny into shaving his strange beard … GOOD JOB CHUNGA! There’s a really creepy new documentary about a clown named Wrinkles … will you watch it?

CHUNGA POLL: Which sports team has the most OBNOXIOUS fans?!? Post your answers below!!!

Did Disney CEO Bob Iger just admit that he and Kathleen Kennedy made George Lucas mad AND ruined the Star Wars movie franchise?!? Did he really just say that?!? There’s a new Patreon prize giveaway and Kenny reviews the new Brad Pitt movie Ad Astra!!! SO PUSH PLAY AND LISTEN NOW!!!!!

Listen to “George, Bob and Wrinkles..” on Spreaker.

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