Daylight Savings … THIS IS STILL A THING?!?!

EPISODE: Daylight Savings … THIS IS STILL A THING?!?!
DATE: Monday, November 8, 2021

Mondays are AWESOME!!! It’s time for Radio Ronin! It’s that time of year … the dreaded switch from Daylight Savings, to having complete darkness by 5:00pm … WHY ARE WE STILL DOING THIS!!!???!!!! Chunga is curious to see if his S.A.D. will kick in this year because even though it’s dark, it’s still 80 degrees!!

CHUNGA POLL: What’s one thing you hate about Thanksgiving that everybody else loves!?!?! Post your answers below!

Did you hear about the tragedy at the Astroworld Music Festival?! Chunga, Chandler, Josh and Gregg have all spent their entire adult lives working in live event production and they have some advice about going to large concerts and events. PLUS, Gregg has a new Christmas movie recommendation and it’s time for another round of Headline D&D!!!! LISTEN NOW!!!

WANT MORE RONIN?! Join Jimmy Chunga, Chandler, Shannon, Josh and Gregg for their (mis)adventures in Disneyland, Las Vegas, Utah and everywhere in between! Make sure to subscribe to RoninTV so you don’t miss a MINUTE of the fun!

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