It’s Rivalry Week!!!

EPISODE: It’s Rivalry Week!!!
DATE: Thursday, September 9, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: Chef Shamy Gourmet Butter

Hey kid!!! It’s Radio Ronin time!!!! Chunga, Chandler and Shannon all went back to Utah!!! THANK YOU DR. BOYDEN for fixing Chunga’s teeth!!! Sadly, It was only for a day but Chunga finally got to see the new SLC airport!!! Much like EVERYBODY else, he thought the main entrance was great!! And everything else was … not so good. WHO THE HELL PLANNED THIS AIRPORT!?!?

Hey!! It’s Rivalry Week!!! Who’s going to win this year!?! Utah?!? BYU?!? CHUNGA POLL: What do you think the dumbest rivalry is!?! For example, Coke vs. Pepsi?, Android vs. Apple? Yankees vs. Red Sox? Post your answers below!!!

Guess what?!? Owen Wilson got a part in a movie!! This movie may actually be pretty cool!! Josh has started listening to Christmas music! Chunga is disappointed that he wasn’t the first this year to do it!!! Hey does Gregg have another Halloween movie recommendation?! YES! Yes, he does! LISTEN NOW!!!!

Do you want MORE Ronin? Follow more of Chunga, Chandler, Josh and Gregg’s many (mis)adventures from Utah to Vegas to Disneyland and everywhere in between! Subscribe now on YouTube!

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