Chunga … The Nervous Nellie …

EPISODE: Chunga … The Nervous Nellie …
DATE: Thursday, June 24, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: Chef Shamy Gourmet Butter

Chunga is a little concerned. Every time Spencer goes to Preston Idaho, for a couple of days, he talks just like he’s from Preston. Spencer YOU’RE FROM ORANGE COUNTY!!! Why was he in Preston? He took Josh to see his first demolition derby!! Did Josh like it? So the great fireworks debate RAGES ON just like the fires they’ll no doubt create!! Chunga is curious, how much do YOU rely on social media to plan and plot the course of your life?

Hey did you hear they’re making a live-action of Snow White? Sigh… Does anybody care!?! Universal Pictures is also trying to get Steven Spielberg to remake Jaws!!!! Plus, Harrison Ford has been injured on the set of Indiana Jones 5!!! How bad? Listen now to find out!!!!!!

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