Chunga Performs A Wedding … And Immediately Retires …

EPISODE: Chunga Performs A Wedding … And Immediately Retires …
DATE: Thursday, May 27, 2021
EPISODE SPONSORS: Quench It! Lehi & Boyden Dental

Chunga and Chandler have made it back to Vegas after another quick Utah trip and Chunga has officially performed a wedding! He has also officially retired from performing weddings. It’s Memorial Day weekend!!!! It’s officially summer!!!! What are YOUR plans? Are you going anywhere this weekend!?? Vegas is expected to be crazy packed!!!

Chunga noticed something while he was back home. People don’t seem to be very excited about the Jazz playoffs. He truly doesn’t understand why?! Josh and Spencer agree and have some theories. Amazon has bought MGM for billions of dollars!!! Jeff Bezos owns James Bond! Don’t ruin it Bezos!!!!! Plus, there’s Spider Man drama at the new Avengers Campus in Disneyland! LISTEN NOW!!!!!

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