YAY IT’S 2021!!!

DATE: Monday, January 4, 2021

RADIO RONIN IS BACK!!!!!! Chunga, Chandler, Josh, and Spencer are back from their long Christmas break!!!! How was YOUR Christmas? Were you able to relax at all? The guys all had an amazing holiday! Unfortunately, with the good came some sadness … three days before Christmas, Chunga and Chandler had to say a final good bye to an extremely close friend. It was really, really hard.

Spencer started off the year with a weird dream … he’s also afraid he may have joined a cult! The guys have noticed something! Have you noticed it as well? It seems like people are starting to stay away from social media a bit more in the past few weeks!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!! You made it!!! 2020 is now history!

CHUNGA POLL: What are your predictions for 2021!?? Is it going to be better than 2020? Post your answers below and LISTEN NOW!!!

Do you have your Radio Ronin gear yet? Grab your swag in the Radio Ronin Store and then share a picture of you reppin’ it on social media using hashtag #ChungaMadeMeDoIt!

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