Hey Ladies … I’m Chunga The Grouch!

EPISODE: Hey Ladies … I’m Chunga The Grouch!
DATE: Monday, September 7, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete and Chef Shamy

HAPPY LABOR DAY! It’s time for Radio Ronin!! The guys normally take this holiday off but hey, what else is there to do!!! Hey Jordy Carroll! Thanks for the Radio Radio headstone!! Wait … what? Headstone? Have you started thinking about your Halloween costume yet? Spencer has a cool program that will show you the most popular Halloween costume in the country, minute by minute!

CHUNGA POLL: What’s your worst Halloween costume fail?!? Chunga has a doozy!!

JOSH!!! Did you just pay $30 to watch Mulan?!?! YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!!! It’s also time for Headline D&D, assuming Chandler doesn’t roll a ONE again!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!!!!

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