DATE: Thursday, May 14, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions & Londr
Josh looks like a new man! He’s dyed his hair blonde! The guys really want the tease him about it but … BUT HE LOOKS GREAT!! Hey, did you see that Shanghai Disneyland opened? There’s a ton of restrictions! Will you continue with your summer plans if you’re required to wear a face mask, or will you wait until you don’t have to anymore?
Speaking of summer activities, Baseball is set to resume on July 4th!!! This news causes a big fight about sports jerseys between Spencer and Josh! Chunga also has a question!!! How come people can wear sports jerseys and they’re not nerdy but if he wears a D&D shirt, that’s not ok!!!! I mean C’MON!!!! Chandler says ONLY hockey jerseys are ok to wear outside of a game!
Chunga’s Spotify playlist is a big hit! Now listeners are wanting to post their own playlists! Should we do it?!? LISTEN NOW!!!!!