EPISODE 295: No Sports … No Fun … Just Cat Butts.

EPISODE 295: No Sports … No Fun … Just Cat Butts.
DATE: Monday, April 13, 2020
EPISODE SPONSORS: RJ Concrete Solutions

We hope you had a great Easter weekend! Chunga, Chandler, Josh and Spencer give a HUGE round of applause to all of you, that participated in the worldwide fast in Friday!!!

CHUNGA POLL: What do you think will change the most AFTER the quarantine ends?!?

It’s hard to believe but major league baseball may not have a season this year and other sports may follow suit! NO!!!! Speaking of sports, Josh gets banned from the Utah Jazz Facebook group! Speaking of Facebook groups, the Goblin Facebook group is shutting down! Everybody go to Reddit!

Did you hear the rumor that there’s a special “cat butt” edit of the recent “Cats” movie!?! Ewww! Is that true? LISTEN NOW TO FIND OUT!

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