5 Dudes Who Know Nothing About Sports … Talk About Sports …

EPISODE: 5 Dudes Who Know Nothing About Sports … Talk About Sports …
DATE: Monday, March 8, 2021

Gregg Paschall, from Gregg’s Guide To New Music, joins us to talk about … MUSIC!!! Hello!?? He also has six, count ’em SIX new playlists for you to listen to! People are cheering and celebrating!! Disneyland has been given the official guidelines for reopening! Are these celebrations premature? Chunga says … YES. Don’t celebrate yet! So … what’s up with all the hatred from basketball fans towards the Utah Jazz? Chunga doesn’t get it, even though he’s REALLY NOT a basketball fan … or a Jazz fan for that matter.

CHUNGA POLL: What’s the most OVERRATED professional sport?!? Post your answers below!

Hey? Have you watched Murder Among the Mormons yet? What did you think? Spencer and Josh were pleasantly surprised!!! Hey, it’s also time for another round of Headline D&D!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!

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